Leonardo English School

English Theatre Project

LDV has a long tradition of English Theatre thanks to Prof.ssa Lanzafame helped occasionally by her colleagues. The English Theatre Project grew out of this annual event involving the pupils themselves more in the realization of the final performance.

Rebecca Reina is currently the Director of the project and clearly the driving force as she writes, choreographs and co-directs.

These recent years we have seen a Midsummer Night’s Dream, Moulin Rouge, A Corpse Bride, Pygmalion


Negli ultimi anni abbiamo realizzato Midsummer Night’s Dream, Moulin Rouge, A Corpse Bride, Pygmalion

    Movie: Leonardo English Theatre presents "Pygmalion"

    teatro inglese 2010 "The Corpse Bride", 1a parte  
      teatro inglese 2010 "The Corpse Bride", 2a parte  
      teatro inglese 2010 "The Corpse Bride", 3a parte  

    Movie: "Moulin Rouge"  1a parte
    Movie: "Moulin Rouge"  2a parte

    Photo: Midsummer Night’s Dream

